
The team of the AV-MAVT helpdesk can help you to overcome easy and difficult situations that you might encounter during your doctorate or postdoc. They treat each question strictly confidential. The help can range from a quick exchange of a couple of emails to meeting you in person to discuss the matter. This is the place where each doctoral student and postdoc at D-MAVT can ask for support. If you need advice about a difficult situation with your supervisor or with your group, or if you have questions about administrative matters (e.g. your Research plan), we are here to help!

Paula Cameron and Matteo Grasso are the official AV-MAVT Helpdesk contacts. They will treat your questions confidentially and will help you in finding the optimal solution. Contact us at or via direct email.

Paula Cameron

Matteo Grasso

Please feel free to contact us with your questions. This service is strictly confidential, and no other advice from outside will be sought without your consent!

External Links

Are you new at ETHZ? In the new AVETH Survival Guide you can find a lot of useful information to get started at ETH as well as in Zürich

The following links will take you to useful websites that may answer questions you do not feel belong at the AV-MAVT Helpdesk.